
The Omnipresence of Nepotism

Nepotism ,  as described by Google ,  is the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs. When a father earns bread, does he share it with his family or gives it away to others expecting family to earn by their own? The father shares it with family. Period. But, generally, nepotism does not come out as a much favorable and appreciated term. So, what makes it so hateful? Let’s explore while we walk-in-the-blue-moon. To understand this better, let’s check on where and how was the bread earned. If it was hard earned, then, to feed family looks quiet acceptable right? But, what if he used his power to snatch it from someone lesser powerful who may be working really hard to establish a living; then? – yes, this is what makes nepotism a bad word. So, it may not sound good to

Stand by Me !!

After a tiring day at work, I put my son to sleep, when clock ticks 2am, I open the refrigerator to sip some coke for the “ME” time. And the marketing campaign of coca cola writes on the bottle – When words fail , #SayItWithCoke “STAND BY ME” I am just amused by the different meanings of this phrase – stand by me. 1.        Asking someone to be right beside me – stand BY ME 2.        Someone who could have been just supported by me – STAND by me 3.        I could have been totally forgotten by someone – STANDBY me OMG! such variance in all meanings. This clearly indicates the freedom we have while taking out the inference from anything in life. The pizza has same ingredients, but still, we tend to choose our own slice. We all know that all slices taste same but still we feel to excel the right to choose our own slice. Obviously, one may have that extra piece of olive, or another may look bursting out with slightly two more bites of cheese, etc. etc. B

LIFE : Live Free!

L ife I sn’t F ree E verywhere. The sooner one understands this fact is where the life actually begins. Every living being has its own perception of what life is and what it takes to live it the way it is meant to be. However, life is a mystery that unfolds only after a crucial period is spent exploring all other fragments, which may or may definitely not have any relevance to life post self-enlightenment. Buddha indeed was enlightened and the energy thus attained has been so positive and inspiring to last for centuries and yet retains its glory in full. However, the meaning is viewed differently by all across the world. This is what life is all about. It is different for each individual. Yet, we all force ourselves to get trained into living a pre-defined existence. A person may not get lured by the charming glitter of the outside world and may want to continue his/her connect with the inside. It is this stubborn desire which keeps the uniqueness upright. But, most of us

The insensitive Mascularism!

Continuing with my thoughts of previous conversation on rape, I feel anxious to understand how and why have we arrived to this fatal destination. I realized this clearly only yesterday. Being a mother to a nearly four-year-old boy, I am much more alert and feel holding a high responsibility towards society. I emphasize slightly more on the aspect of raising a more responsible masculine gender who could support and liberate his female counterparts from the prevalent fear of the opposite sex. By the way, wishing everyone a very happy mother’s day ! And of course, not ignoring the men who made it possible! Congratulations to them as well. On this day, and being a Sunday, I took my son to attend a colouring workshop which he enjoyed a lot. Then, obviously, we had to buy him a new toy – we being in a toy shop for the workshop! This time, he had a very different demand of toy – no car, no crayons, no ball, no bubble gun, BUT a doll. Yes! He demanded to have a doll

Where do we go wrong?

It has been almost a month now, that every day when I switch to a news channel on TV, I get updated on a new rape case – and most likely with a minor. Media keeps sharing the blurred images / videos / CCTV footages and talking about various aspects of rape – victim, culprits, authority, laws, society, reforms, etc. etc. and I change the channel. Yes! I change the channel as I am too exhausted to witness the after effects of watching such incidents and the way we are tackling it – as a society. Hence, wanted to pen down here. We, as a society is undoubtedly evolving – to good. Yes! You are not mistaken while reading, nor it is a typo, I actually said “good”. I am referring to the era when a girl was restricted by her own parents, if a neighbour's girl got raped. She was advised to skip school, stay composed and not smile all the time, recheck on her wardrobe, focus more on studies, skip spending time outside home, coming back home before sunset, etc. etc. Even then, if the

Limiting the rise to fall.

Thanks for all who have been following my thoughts and sharing their comments with me. It certainly motivates to pour in more onto the blog space. And thus, considering your suggestions, I am taking ahead the same piece of thought further. The intent now is to deep dive into the causes and possible solutions to eradicate “The Rising Fall”. Let’s first understand what the fall is. Fall is the deterioration of our overall levels of happiness and satisfaction that is supposed to soothe every soul – in their own individual ways. Individual – is a keyword here. How often do we value the relevance and importance of this INDIVIDUAL nowadays? Absolutely zero. This is our first step to take forward in order to curb the growing fall. We need to understand that each individual is unique in their own ways. If not, why did the super power take the efforts of creating us with unique face, unique voice, unique talents, capabilities. He did not mean to frame us into a sing

The rising fall !!

How often have you felt dissatisfied with anything or everything – in a day? How often do you end up smiling all through the day while missing out your single instance of actual happiness within? How well do you know what the real happiness is? Or for that matter, what is the right happiness? At first – need to be happy. Then, are we happy and then, Is this actually the right happy? What is the best way to be happy? Sounds philosophical right? Before you click that red box and move to another window in your browser, I need to mention that I am talking about the most important and most ignored part of each one of us – Ourself! In the hassle of daily life routines and the high standards of achievements to meet, we seldom realize that we still are the machines made of flesh n bones who bleed breathe and die off – AND more importantly, unlike the trees, we do not have the privilege to bring back life in next spring. Let’s keep the topic of reincarnation separate.